Cleaning, consecrating & charging

Published on 8 June 2023 at 09:31

Cleansing, Concentrating and Charging items for Magickal use

All objects pick up energies and emotions as they pass from person to person, be it the previous owner, wholesaler or seller, some of these could be negative or unpleasant.  

Hand crafted objects will pick up the energy of the person who made them and usually they are made with love but the components may still need to be cleansed. 

I cleanse all items that pass through my hands before being sold or made into something. Many of my crafted items may have a particular purpose, so I will also consecrate and charge them accordingly before they go to their new homes.


To cleanse an object, you are not cleaning it on a physical level, you are ‘cleansing’ it on an energetic level. Cleansing disassociates items with their past frequencies. You want to wipe the vibrational slate clean to attune it with your own energy.

There are many ways to cleanse an object:

  • Burn a cleansing incense like palo santo, and run the object through the smoke.
  • Bury it in the earth for a while, or in a bowl of salt or dirt.
  • Soak it in salt water or hold it under running water from a natural source.
  • Pass it quickly through a candle flame.

To consecrate an object means to elevate it’s purpose to a spiritual one through some act of blessing. You can consecrate anything from jewellery, tools, clothing, talismans, amulets to even the ground under your house. This item is then sacred and should be treated accordingly.

Some ways to consecrate an item include:

  • Say a prayer over it, dedicating the use of the object to it’s intended purpose.
  • Anoint the object with oils that are also cleansed, charged and consecrated.
  • Consecrate it by Air, Earth, Fire and Water in a blessing ritual: run it through incense smoke, sprinkle salt on it, pass it through flame and sprinkle water on it. This is my chosen way


Charging something is empowering it with  energy. You might imbue it with positivity, or charge it so its vibration is aligned with a specific intention. Charging requires raising our own energy level and then directing it into the object. The method you choose depends on your preferences as well as the item you are charging.

There are many ways to charge an object:

  • Dance, chant or meditate to raise power, then imaginatively pour that energy in to the object through movement, song or focused intent.
  • Perform a small ritual to raise energy and intent to invest in the item.
  • Perform a visualisation, transferring your energy and intent to the talisman, and releasing it to perform its function in the world.
  • Create something entirely your own, that accomplishes this aim in the best way for you and your belief system!

I tend to sway between visualisation and breath work (that is a whole new chapter) 

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