Women’s Circles

Welcome to the Women’s Circles page at Magickal Moments Mystical Wares. Here, we aim to bring women together and provide a sacred space for sharing, healing, and empowerment. Join our circle and connect with like-minded sisters on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

Empowerment and Healing

Women’s circles offer a safe and supportive environment for women to come together, share their stories, and uplift each other. Through shared experiences and deep connections, women can find healing, empowerment, and inspiration.

Finding Your Voice

In a women’s circle, every voice is valued and heard. It is a space where women can express themselves authentically, speak their truths, and reclaim their voices. By sharing and listening, women can find the courage to speak up and be heard.

Celebrating Sisterhood

Women’s circles are a celebration of sisterhood and unity. Together, women can honour their individual journeys, support each other’s growth, and celebrate the divine feminine within themselves and each other. Join us in this sacred space of love and empowerment.

Woman’s Circles


In Person Woman's Cirlce 

Woman’s circle - Littlehampton 


The Dove Lodge Community Resource Centre, Beach Road, Littlehampton, starting  Tuesday 11th March 2025!

Circles will be held monthly and will include  a mixture of:

Guided Meditation 

Breath work  

Oracle reading 

Crystal healing and Aura Cleansing


Chakra balancing 

Seasonal celebrations following the wheel of  the year

Self care and Crafts 

Women’s circles help to provide a safe space for women to share their true selves, where they can find their voice, reclaim their power, and remember their self-worth. Together you can celebrate your unique diversity, while honouring the universal divine feminine energy to foster self-growth and transformation


The cost will be £10 per month, which includes refreshments and all materials.

10 spaces available.

Virtual Woman's Circles 

Relax in the comfort of your own home while feeling part of a collective, these virtual woman's circles are held on Thursday evenings.  

Based around the wheel of the year and celebrating the changing seasons and 
include a mixture of:

Guided Meditation 

Breath work  

Oracle readings

Self care and Crafts 

Rituals and celebrations 

To promote healing, positivity and encouragement for all woman, aid in gaining personal power and understanding.

For just £9 per month to include all materials posted to your address, items such as crystals, incense and candles.

Please free to contact me for more information on my virtual circles. 

Join our sacred circle

Connect with like-minded women and experience the power of sisterhood.